A downloadable game for Windows

This is a game made by me and friend. We are two 13-year-old kids who decide to participate in the Ludem Dare game jam. this is our first fully finished game. I (Ale) did the all the programming, UI, and post processing. Chris did level design, wrote the story and also did the text to speech. Since we could not think of any game mechanics that fit the theme and that we where able to make in two days we decided to incorporate the theme into the story. We had a lot of fun making this game and we hope you guys have a lot of fun playing it. 

go follow @not_chris.art

PS. Stay tuned for our second release on itch.io where we plan to put in a timer, more levels, an actual settings menu, mac and linux support, and a more detailed story with visuals.


MIAL.zip 24 MB

Install instructions

Download the Zip file and unzip it. Move the application shortcut to your desktop/games folder. The game is ready to run. Open the shortcut and enjoy.

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